

Feb 14 can only mean one thing, Valentine's Day. Ah yes, after a full month of having red and pink hearts, roses and chocolates shoved in our faces at every turn - everyone's favourite Hallmark celebration is upon us once more. It's an occasion that leaves many divided and as somebody who has been in a relationship for 5 years now, it's just not a day that really appeals to me as it doesn't make a difference.

Sure it's great to make time for the one/s that you love and to do something special for and with them, but it's important to state that being in a relationship does not necessarily equate to happiness. If you cannot make yourself happy, nobody else will ever be fully able to and this is something that I've learnt (and still learning) as I get more independent and older.

I've been rather open in previous posts about my mental health and certain insecurities of mine, and being in a long-term relationship doesn't automatically equate to sustained happiness over that period of time. Relationships are not easy and they're very rarely the images of grinning couples totally and utterly besotted with each other that social media will lead us to believe. As previously mentioned, the biggest lesson in love is learning how to love yourself - so today, whether you're in a relationship or not, take the time to be kind to yourself and do whatever makes you feel good.

Funnily, I booked today off work without realising the significance of the date and people automatically assumed that I was taking it off to embrace the love of Feb 14. The reality is that the last month or so has left me feeling insecure, unloving towards myself and very deflated. We all succumb to negative patterns of over thinking and whilst in the midst of that, we can very easily forget to love others because there's we aren't loving ourselves. Dangerously at risk of burning myself out, I took today off to relax, attempt to unwind and slowly learn to be comfortable with my own company - and I encourage you to do the same if you can resonate with these words.

Self-love is the most important love we will ever experience...

Valentine's Day is all perspective in my opinion and I really believe that if there is an abundance of self-love and appreciation, then days like today will be easier to embrace and enjoy - no matter how you want to celebrate (if at all).
So Happy Valentine's to you all, remember the importance doing whatever makes you feel your best and give yourself extra love today and always.


Photography by Stacey White

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